New Ways of Being
New Ways of Being with Raymond Posch is all about helping people achieve new ways of being in their lives and in the world. In this podcast and in my life, I am a voice for Love and Awakening! Why? Because love, awakening, joy, and unity are keys for being the new ways we want to experience. We all want to enjoy life more and we want the world to exhibit love, expanded awareness, joy, and human unity. Those things are actually in our very nature, but we deny our true selves when we operate from separation and fear. For those who know me from my Our Spiritual Life podcast, New Ways of Being is the next phase for me, and for and all of us, as we shift to Love and Awakening as our guiding principles. The NWOB podcast website is at: Contact Raymond Posch at Learn more about Raymond Posch at:
7 days ago
32-Awaken to the Power That is Love
7 days ago
7 days ago
This episode reminds us that love is powerful, and we can use that power to awaken and change our level of consciousness. Everything that we see that is wrong in the world is reminding us and calling us to awaken. When we begin to live consciously, we begin to step fully into the expansion of love and the expansion of our lives. Every one of us has the power, by tapping into source energy which is love, to create the experiences of our life. We can learn to go within and create a greater life, a more expanded life, and demonstrate that shift to love and living consciously in the joyful way we are being in the world. By doing so we become wayshowers, and more wayshowers are needed to show the way of love and living consciously.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken! Share this podcast and this episode with others.
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Monday Jan 20, 2025
31-Know the Light You Are
Monday Jan 20, 2025
Monday Jan 20, 2025
This episode begins with some thoughts from me on why awakening to who you really are is so important - because it determines the quality of your life AND is the way that we can create the better world we all want. The universe, and the soul of every person, is calling out for each of us to participate in the evolution of human consciousness. We cannot "fix" the world without evolving to higher consciousness. And evolving opens the door to creating the most desirable life, and the grandest world, that we can imagine. I then channeled the Council of Highly Evolved Beings and they shared their thoughts on how to participate in evolution of consciousness at this time. One of the important things they said was that we are all beings of light whether we know it or not, and that is something we should explore into by seeing (or imagining) ourselves and others as beings as light. Imagination actually starts the creation process in a very real way. The more we come to know and feel ourselves as light, the more we will awaken and the brighter the world will become. With much love to all.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Monday Jan 06, 2025
30-Begin to Practice Awareness and Love Yourself
Monday Jan 06, 2025
Monday Jan 06, 2025
In this episode, I remind everyone that the purpose of the Council of Highly Evolved Beings is to help humanity on Earth begin the journey of evolving its consciousness. It begins with individuals and eventually can move to the human species as a whole becoming more conscious. So I talked a little about where we are coming from and going to on this journey, and reminded listeners that being evolved means this council, out of an evolved level of love for all being, wants to help humanity evolve. Then the council shared their new message which is primarily beginning a more practice-level teaching about awareness and loving yourself. Please pay close attention to their entire message and put as much of what they are teaching as possible into practice. This lesson is for beginners, so many listeners are beyond it, but look for new insights that will help you evolve your own consciousness. With much love.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
29-We Must Become Aware of Our Consciousness
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
Sunday Dec 22, 2024
In this episode, we receive a brand new channeled message from the Council of Highly Evolved Beings, and the focus is on becoming aware of our consciousness. The Council explained that, given human history on Earth, it is very understandable that we developed a consciousness based on the belief in separation, fear, and ego (mind). We must recognize that it is our primary default consciousness before we can begin to change it. But there is a much more powerful consciousness available to us that is based in wholeness, love, and awareness. Wholeness is a characteristic of the One Consciousness that fills the universe, and the critical thing to understand is that every human being is part of that One Consciousness. We are all one and there is no separation.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
28-Introducing 5 Highly Evolved Species of Sentient Beings
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
Sunday Dec 08, 2024
This episode is a direct follow-up to the previous episode in which I introduced the Council of Highly Evolved Beings that has recently been formed to bring attention to the fact that there are highly-evolved beings in the universe who, in many cases, have transitioned from being in physical form to non-physical. And many of these highly evolved species have reached out to offer help to humankind in evolving our human consciousness. I tell you more about what "highly evolved beings" means and about the importance of evolving as a species as a whole so that you have a broader perspective. Then I bring in the council, and their message this time seeks to give you background about the five highly evolved species currently on the council. You will notice that there are multiple individuals speaking, one for each species, and this will probably be the only time this happens. Going forward they intend to speak as a fully unified council who are working together on a shared mission to help people know about intelligent species who moved beyond just being "aliens" and are in non-physical form as spiritual beings and who wish to assist humanity in healing and evolving collectively.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
27-A Message from Highly Evolved Beings
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Nov 24, 2024
This episode marks the beginning of a new phase for the New Ways of Being podcast. New Ways of Being and I, host Raymond Posch, have gone through significant changes since NWOB began in the fall of 2023, the biggest of which was when I was suddenly able to channel telepathic conversations with God, angels, and other spiritual (non-physical) beings in early 2024. In this episode, I introduce the Council of Highly Evolved Beings and channel a 40-minute message from the Council who have been interacting with humanity, mostly unseen, as multiple separate species but who have now come together to offer coordinated guidance to individuals and humanity as a whole in how to raise human consciousness. Their purpose is to help awaken the species which, as many observers have noted, is necessary to save humanity from self-destruction. This message focuses on the importance for humans to learn who (and what) they really are... individuated extensions of the Divine. People must open and allow themselves to begin to understand this (even though many religions forbid this because it is mistakenly seen as a threat to those religions).
Please note that since my last episode I have had another big change going on in my life. In August, I learned that my ability to hear had declined substantially in my right ear. I had lost the hearing in left ear very suddenly in 2010. The doctors now recommended a cochlear implant. The implant surgery was at the end of October and currently I am going through the significant adjustment process with the cochlear device since my left ear had not heard anything since 2010, and the brain has to relearn to hear via electrical signals stimulating the auditory nerve. But this is totally fantastic because I will soon be able to hear much better again!
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Monday Oct 28, 2024
26-Join the Shift to Higher Consciousness
Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
This episode is not just about awakening but it is about joining the bigger collective shift of humanity to higher consciousness that is underway and accelerating. I explain what is meant by higher consciousness, why it is desirable, how shifts to HC happen, and how a larger collective shift is underway. More importantly, I talk about ways of joining the shift, including some specific techniques for doing so quite simply, and some tips for being the light you are and making bigger shifts more quickly. I talk a little bit about my course Become a Master of Life, which is great training for shifting into divine beingness and mastery of consciousness and conscious creation of our own life experiences. See my website for details about the course and other things I do. Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Monday Oct 07, 2024
25-We Are All Meant to Be Creators
Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
This episode discusses the fact that God tells us very clearly through modern messengers that 1) we are part of God, and 2) we are meant to create the life we would love. In other words, God desires the best for every one of us, and wants us to create the experiences we truly want. We are worthy and capable of creating wonderful lives. Now, this is contrary to what many people believe. We have to discover the truth of these statements and learn how to be the masters of our lives, the creators of the lives we truly wish to experience. The widely-held belief in separation is what keeps most of us in lives of struggle and keeps the world operating out of fear, division, and continuous conflict. It's time to learn that everyone of us is part of the divine and capable of creating what we really want, including love, unity, abundance, wholeness, and lives of wonder and unstoppable joy.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Friday Aug 30, 2024
24-Preview: Become a Master of Life
Friday Aug 30, 2024
Friday Aug 30, 2024
This episode is a preview of my new audio course that will be released within a few weeks, Become a Master of Life: How to Know and Use God Energy. There are 4 modules and course development has been completed, but I need to make some big website changes to support its release. Module 1 explains what God energy is and how to know it personally. Module 2 presents the basics of how to use God energy to become a master of creating the life experiences you desire. Modules 3 and 4 provide more detailed guidance on how to get the most from God energy and become a master. Some of the material comes from The Wisdom of the Council channeled by Sara Landon. But most of the content comes from my telepathic conversations with God and the Council and from what I learned and experienced in applying the lessons in the course, including a lot of detailed how-to training that is not covered in The Wisdom of the Council book. One of the big lessons is to how to raise your vibration to a very high level to overcome the global EMF radiation due to cell phones. But an even bigger lesson is how to fully realize and experience yourself as an extension of the Divine. The course will become available later in September 2024 on my website at Please share this episode with others.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.
Monday Aug 05, 2024
23-Be Who You Truly Are
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
This episode teaches about the universe, the Divine, and Life, and our human relationships to those fundamental things - as understood by most spiritual masters today and in the past. Unfortunately, many religions have not accepted God's modern messengers so they have not learned and adapted from what God has been teaching over recent centuries. Major influences on my understanding have been the Conversations with God books channeled by Neale Donald Walsh, The Wisdom of the Council book channeled by Sara Landon, numerous books and publications by Deepak Chopra, numerous telepathic conversations I have had as a channel with God, angels, and the Council, plus various other sources. (Please note that God wants all to know that NDW is not the only person who can and does talk with God, and all people are encouraged to learn and talk with God also.) The fundamental teachings in this episode are to help people understand that they are extensions of One Consciousness (God) because that realization is key to the awakening and evolution of humanity.
Love yourself always, and choose to awaken!
If you love what you're hearing, please leave a comment below, subscribe to the New Ways of Being podcast, share this episode, and if you are able become a supporting patron on my podcast website.
Click here to see the video of this episode on my YouTube channel.

Expand Your Consciousness,
Expand Your Life
Learn more about Raymond Posch at
and please join the NWOB community
New ways of being are about going within and allowing the powerful beings that we are to call forth something new and beautiful within ourselves. We must create change from the inside out - that is, first in our consciousness which is our creative source.
HERE'S THE GREAT NEWS... In recent years, we've learned that the process of awakening and making big changes within ourselves can happen much more easily and quickly than previously believed.
I've had a new calling, and I'm excited about it! Through this NEW WAYS OF BEING podcast, I want to help you be the best you can be and live a life that is happy and fulfilling for you! But we should all want those same things for everyone, and we should want the well-being of the world and planet as a whole.
Read more about New Ways of Being on my blog:
New Ways of Being in the World
The Intersection of Awakening and Well-Being
I am the podcast host, and I will base these episodes on my years of studying spirituality and, specifically, my years studying and putting into practice ways of being that make a big difference, such as love, awakening, joy, and unity.
That's why I am a voice for Love and Awakening - because they are keys to living more consciously, experiencing well-being, and in healing the world!
Although you may not yet see it, the evolution of consciousness is quickening its pace. Now is the time to explore new ways of being.
Raymond Posch, Host, spiritual podcaster, blogger, author & wayshower
Contact me at:
See my blog and learn more at